Tuesday, February 14, 2006


It's funny (in the ironic sense more than the humorous sense) that what I look for in design is clarity. But in music I lean so heavily towards really orchestrated, lush music. Sometimes it seems that anything w/ only one guitarist is automatically out. ;)

Does that mean anything? Do I compensate for the sterility of the design I like with the complexity of the music I enjoy? Or is this all just preference anyway? Why do we like the things we do? And can our preferences in one aspect of our life affect our preferences in other areas? For example, do I love really meditative hobbies only because I feel so flustered by my work? Anyone else see this in their life?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Made Up Language

The other day I told my mom that I was really enjoying my writing class and she responded,
"Good, well, I hope it will teach you to stop making up words."
"Why? I like to make up words."
"I think you make up words because you can't think of a real one."

(ps: 15 minutes until it's my birthday. yay for 23.)

Friday, February 10, 2006

Our bodies are really well crafted...

Last night/this morning/whatever at 5 am I sliced open my middle finger with a utility blade. Deep cut too, the flesh on the right side of the top joint is just holding on. Anyway, so when it happened there was immediately a lot of blood. But, and here's the cool part and why this whole fiasco is worth blogging about, there wasn't any pain (at first). All the pain and the nausea from the blood (I know not everyone gets that, but I do) was delayed so that I could take care of the situation first. I wonder if that's just the adrenaline sort of covering it up so that I can just act instead. So it happened, I pudder around the apartment going "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." looking for gauze and bandages n' whatnot. And once I have it cleaned out and covered, only then did I actually go "FUCK! OW!" Now that's wonderful engineering.