Friday, September 16, 2005

Design Matters

What follows is an imaginary conversation between me and Bob (my design professor).

K: (after presenting an idea for a project) So this will be another save-the-world project.
B: You do a lot of those.
K: I like save-the-world projects. If I could out of school I'd like to work at a save-the-world kindof firm.
B: You'll be broke and unhappy in 5 years.
K It might be youthful ignorance/arrogance but I don't think I will. I can't live without thinking I'm doing *something* to better this world. I can't be aware of it and do nothing to better it. Which is why I like the structure of this curriculum, I get to create, figure out, and do save-the-world projects. Not, say, do ads for the Jolly Green Giant or develop yet another brand of children's cereal. Enough of that shit! I mean I realize that people need shit and are willing to trade money for shit and services and that's not the part of capitalism that I'm worried about. It's that WHY do we need another brand of children's cereal?! What possible niche of the market could they be missing right now?! And I don't need ads for green beans! If I need green beans I'll get green beans! Which is why I'm pissed that you're letting that other kid basically redo the site. I mean, that problem has been solved! Find something new! Improve a real problem! All he's doing is taking their site and putting it in new clothes. And I HATE when design gets relegated to that; style. ARG! Design is so much more! It can be so much more!!

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