Saturday, November 19, 2005

Long Drives

For the last three days, I've gone out driving to do a simple errand. And every time I end up not accomplishing the errand, but driving around for hours instead. It's terribly frustrating because I feel like I don't have control over it anymore. I really left intending only to do this one small task, but when I get to an intersection where I've never turned left I find myself in the left-hand lane. Almost like it's not my choice or something. I wish I knew what desire this was satisfying: the time alone, the sense of exploration, the need to "leave" or what.
Today, on what's quickly becoming my daily drive, I saw a boy raking leaves at a hardware store. The way he was moving with the rake was so graceful, almost like dancing. He moved his whole body. Anywho, I was turning around in the hardware store's parking lot and for a split second the boy and I locked eyes. And I started to wonder, what constitutes a "connection" between two people? Because this boy and I have a connection now, even if it was a fraction of a second, like brushing shoulders in an elevator. But did I have a connection with him before? when I noticed him dancing with the rake? Or is a connection only sealed when both parties acknowledge the other's existence? Is that what connection is? Noticing one another? Accepting the fact that, yes, you exist.


Tyera said...

phil thinks that all humans contain an innate need to wander. (incidentally, he and i had a conversation about this phenomenon last night.) the whole "go west, young man" pioneer bit is supposed to be a manifestation of it. on my part, i tend to get really restless and irritable if i'm not satisfying it, says phil. the restlessness i definitely feel, but i don't know about the cause. (i've grown rather dependant on physical exercise lately, and i think some of it is that.) at the same time, i definitely crave to leave a certain city after a while.

so, i'm not sure, but maybe it's your instinctual nomad emerging.

meg* said...

i definately agree... i think just like fiddeling with rings and doodling in your notebook, restlessness is a sign if an internal energy that is trying to escape. wander away, friend!

k said...

I just wanted to clarify something real quick. Two people have mentioned something about this post and they both thought I was attracted to this boy. Just to clear things up, no no no. This *boy* was just that, he was only about 12 or so. Nothing funny.

Thanks to T and meg* for the thoughts. I like the idea of an instinctual nomad. Do you think it's universal, or a distinctly american, "manifest destiny" sort of feeling?