Monday, November 07, 2005


Someone asked me once if I had more images of ___ (situation/environment). Of course I do! I take way more images that I post on here. I take way more images than I upload too. But those that get uploaded are all over
  • here.
  • Check out the ones from today, especially Kip's project. Most of the pictures are way out of focus [b/c I was shooting at night without a flash (choice) and without a tripod (not by choice)]. But it's more about mood anyway. I would love to see some of these images printed really big.

    (PS: By showing you this site I am in no way claiming to be "a photographer". So don't go critiquing them as if I'm showing them as photographic masterpieces. If you're here, I assume you're casually interested in the same stuff I am, so here are some pictures of it all.)

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