Tuesday, June 05, 2007


and it's our lives
it's hard to remember
we're alive for the first time
it's hard to remember
we're alive for the last time
it's hard to remember
to live before you die -mm

An acquaintance died the other day. I didn't know him well but his death has been such a blow. K died in Iraq. That was hard but I seemed to be able to understand it better. He was a soldier. J wasn't. His death was random, no purpose. He was just some random kid. He went to college. He filled his brain with thoughts and loves. He had so much potential. His whole life was a forward motion towards something. And suddenly he's just gone. All that potential, saved up, waiting to start. And it just disappeared.

I can't get my head around it.


k said...

his band put up a simple memorial on their site.

nairb said...

Maybe simply saying I understand would be saying too little, but I understand.